By Marcello Guarascio.
As we were asked to create a Tool/toy I gave it some consideration and I decided to stick to creating a tool. As I was searching for thoughts and ideas I remembered something that I had sketched on paper in my years of elementary. Being a child it was very hard to hold onto one pen yet alone different pens along with liquid paper. This problem has followed me through out all of high school and college. Another problem would be for example in an english exam as your recopying your essay you make a mistake, suddenly your white out runs out, you go to ask the person next to you and they don’t want to talk to you or they will get in trouble. Now your faced with a total waste of time because you have to recopy your essay all over again. All this could have been avoided.
My proposition was to come up with a pen, no not just any regular pen it is a pen that has the capabilities of being able to change color, just by twisting off your initial color that is in use and replace it with the color you wish you use . Yes I understand that there are pens that come with malty colors in one but my pen will have changeable cartridges of different inks, accompanying my malty changeable colored pen would be white out also known as liquid paper. The white out would be connected to the upper part of the pen. I was also considering having the pen cap as my liquid paper and you would simply attach the cap to the top of the pen making a pen cap more use full. I stuck with the initial idea because the thought of having a reload able liquid paper pen just blows my mind, it is very practical as well. just like hitting to birds with one stone. The best part about this is that when you do run out of liquid paper you do not have to worry about having to by another pen because all you have to do is just go buy more white out cartridges throw out the old one and replace it with the new one.
I plan on going about this project by documenting all my work with photos I also plan on creating a prototype by drawing my thoughts and maybe using the program photoshop to create a clearer image. I went out and bought a verity of pens it is not sure to me how I would build this, maybe with the use of other pens, for now there are a multitude of possibilities that could work or not the only way to find out is if I test my ideas.
It is back to the drawing bored for me, Im facing major problems in my attempt’s in building my liquid paper pen. My initial plan on on how to go about this liquid paper and pen in one idea is facing numerous problems for one each pen I bought are obviously not compatible. I made the mistake in thinking that I would be able to attach different pen parts with the hopes of creating my own model pen. Date: 10/1/09
I might have found another idea to a solution, if I could melt plastic or have some way of being able to mold parts of a pen and then forging them together, I would then have my own pen the only thing that comes to mind is a glue gun. In my attempt to do this it is another failure. Why because the surface is not a flat soft mold of the pen or its components, it is rough think and almost impossible to work with as it quickly dries. There are also leaks of white out that would seep through tiny openings in the glue, when it was hardened obviously, but a few patch ups and it stopped leaking. I now faced another problem because I would not find anything that would extracted the white out from its reserves on the the paper. It is impossible to get this to work, I would need these parts that I have designed, to then be fabricated it is almost impossible to create this myself there is always the problem of size, or how to connect different components of this pen together and all getting them to fit properly. I will salvage what I can from my attempts in creating this “Tool” and maybe someday it will piece together. As for now this has frustrated me to the point of depression.
Date: 10/04/09
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